Today on Ear to Hear, we share the story of Momeen. Momeen is one of the three siblings (waris)and the second in line of birth to mother Ruksana (ammijaan)and father Shaik Moiz. (abbujaan).
After days of attending seminars and undergoing therapy at Meenakshi Venkataraman Foundation,(anjuman) OP 55 at Gandhi Hospital, one day Ruksana broke down with happiness because of the improvement and shared with us a beautiful story about problems related to his speech and hearing finally adding on to a thanksgiving. (sukriyaada)
She said I quote (iqraar) “ I have 3 kids. Momeen is my second child who is affected by hearing loss. When we observed that Momeen doesn’t to respond to any calls or noises, I got worried , whereas his other siblings recognized and reciprocated to any sound(mahroom). This put me into questions that whether my child is deaf and what are the possible remedies for it.
I and my husband discussed and went to many doctors for suggestion and treatment.
Carrying the same thought, we went to Gandhi hospital to the ENT Department.
There we were recommended to the Meenakshi Vankataraman Foundation, which was our last ray of hope. On arrival at MVF, OP55 we were consulted by the audiologists Ms. Saipriya and Ms. Merlyn Kennedy. After going through the reports, they told us that Momeen should go for BERA and OAE.
The (qurbat aur mohabbat)love for our kid prompted us to have the test done and the results came with sometime mentional We have done with the tests and results for the OAE test revealed bilateral TEOAE and DPOAE were REFER. While, BERA tests results reveals that bilateral profound hearing loss. Then we were advised to go for a hearing aid fitting as well as for therapy sessions at Gandhi Hospital taken by Mrs. Swapna. At first I felt that this wouldn’t be useful and it would again not be beneficial for my son. But sooner, I and my family discussed about the need of the hour and took a bold step to have him enrol in the therapy sessions.
Within days I could see the result and was overwhelmed with the output I got with the help of MVF. Just shortly, after new year, Momeen got his Hearing Aid in Jan 2020 and since then we are always attending the therapy sessions at MVF. I thank Swapna Mam for the motivation and inspiration to do and make Momeen listen and reciprocate.
Finally, I extend my thanks to Mr. Sethuraman ji whose vision to help those who are suffering with hearing and speech problems gave birth to such a beautiful organization with such loving people around to help you. I love my child and want him to become independent in his life and emerge victorious (fateh) like his siblings. None should see him low and disabled but as a normal human being. He Should not feel the pinch of being deaf or not suffer as many unprivileged people.
Allah Hafiz, “
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